From their 1914 ad.
You have never heard of anything like it, have you?
The new Herff-Brooks car is not only a six cylinder car, but it is a 48 horsepower car, and not only a 48 horsepower car but it sells for $1375.
Just think of it! There is no other similar six cylinder car made for less than $1575, and we guarantee the Herff-Brooks for $1375 to be better than any other “six” for $1750 and equal to any car selling as high as $2000, regardless of specifications or name.
48 HP, six cylinder motor, 4 inch bore and 14 inch stroke. 124 inch wheelbase, Electric starter, lights and horn. Semi Elliptie springs in front. Elliptie springs in rear. One piece drop forged I beam front axle. 3/4 float-rear axle. Timken and New Departure Bearings. Demountable rims with extra rims. 18 inch steering wheel. Center control. Cone clutch. Clear vision windshield. Mohair top and curtains, Speedometer.